Sobre o Curso

The ATLS® is a program for training physicians who work in the emergency services, aiming to standardize trauma patient care, adopted by several countries.

The program, devised and implemented by the American College of Surgeons in 1979, has been adopted in some 40 countries on five continents, allowing up to the present date of the training of approximately 400,000 physicians in approximately 25,000 courses. In Brazil, ATLS was started in 1989 and began to expand widely throughout the country beginning in 1992. We currently have centers spread throughout Brazil, doing about 150 courses and training approximately 2,400 physicians per year. More than 30,000 in Brazil have already been trained by the program.

It is important to emphasize that the ATLS® is an international program of trauma patient care, so the certification of the doctor who performs this course is international, being able to perform the systematic treatment in any country that has adopted the program.


  • Atender às emergências obstétricas segundo protocolos internacionalmente estabelecidos pelo ALSO;
  • Discutir meios para melhorar o atendimento de urgências e emergências obstétricas, auxiliando na normatização das técnicas utilizadas em maternidades e hospitais;
  • Discutir a importância da utilização dos serviços regionais de assistência ao parto e identificar as dificuldades de acesso da população a tais serviços;
  • Completar com sucesso os exames escritos e práticos.


It is an immersion course divided in two days of activities, which includes interactive theoretical classes and practical activities with artificial dummies and simulated human (actors). The activities are divided into two days, and merged between theory and practice.

Carga Horária

20 horas

Público Alvo

  • Médicos e Residentes


  • Primary and Secondary Exam
  • Airways and Ventilation
  • Shock
  • Abdominal Trauma
  • Thoracic Trauma
  • Trauma in the Extremes of Age: child and elderly
  • Trauma in women
  • Craniophalic Trauma
  • Spinal Cord Injury
  • Muscle-Skeletal Trauma
  • Thermal Injuries


  • ACLS Official Student Manual, in Portuguese


Inscrições pelos telefones 84 99898.9903 / 84 99940.8060ou através do e-mail

Para desconto e cursos in company entrar em contato através do telefone 84 99898.9903 / 84 99940.8060ou através do e-mail


Rua Desembargador Antônio Soares, 1248 Tirol | Natal-RN


84 99898.9903
84 99940.8060

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